Grant Announcement: Back on Track to College

Jobs for the Future (JFF) will prepare to bring its evidence-based Back on Track to College model to Texas dropout recovery programs with a $135,000 planning grant from Greater Texas Foundation.

Back on Track to College addresses the poor postsecondary completion rates of students who fall off-track or drop out of high school by creating clear paths to postsecondary credentials for students in Texas dropout recovery programs. The model provides dropout recovery students with a rigorous program of study and additional supports to aid them in their transition through high school completion and on to postsecondary education.

This planning grant will allow JFF, in partnership with the foundation, to lead a due diligence process to identify programs serving off-track and out-of-school youth that are poised to implement the Back on Track to College model. This project is the first step of a potential long-term effort to build the capacity of such programs in regions with high numbers of disconnected youth to prepare and transition them to postsecondary education.

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