Grant Announcement: Implementing UTeach at Stephen F. Austin State University

Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA), in partnership with the UTeach Institute and independent school districts, will implement a UTeach program with a $1,200,000 million grant from Greater Texas Foundation to The University of Texas at Austin. The program, known as SFA JackTeach, will establish a pre-service teacher preparation program to address the shortage of quality STEM teachers in the East Texas region; prepare teachers to implement engaging, inquiry-based learning through research-based and culturally relevant pedagogies that are successful with all students; develop opportunities to recruit more Hispanic and African-American students into teaching; and create a professional development program for current in-service teachers that will lead to a more successful and stable teaching workforce in the region.

Once established, JackTeach will enroll up to 200 students and produce 35 graduates annually, at least 20% of whom represent underserved student populations, who are ready to enter the STEM teaching profession. Ultimately, SFA expects to increase secondary student access and success in STEM courses across rural East Texas and beyond.

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