Grant Announcement: Ready Texas – Phase Forward

With a grant of $568,858 from Greater Texas Foundation, the Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) will expand its research into the effects of House Bill 5 on postsecondary access and success.

Ready Texas: Phase Forward will build upon IDRA’s first study of HB5 implementation, in which the research team found found incremental to significant decreases in the number of students taking Algebra II, with the steepest decline in rural districts (24%). IDRA also found a correlation between districts who maintained rigorous requirements and increases in Algebra II enrollment. The qualitative findings included confusion and anxiety among counselors and students. The new project will 1) analyze counseling practices and efficacy in the HB5 context, 2) explore students’ sense of a college-going self and self-efficacy in decision-making, and 3) create a toolkit families and educators can use to develop college-going goals for their local schools. As a result, school leaders, policymakers, and families will better understand how best to guide students in preparing and planning for postsecondary education.

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