In Texas, 70 percent of high school counselors are working with more than the ASCA recommended number of students. Yet every student needs one-on-one attention from an advisor or counselor to chart their path to college and career. 

The staff at Greater Texas Foundation talked to our grantees and partners across the state to compile this Issue Brief filled with best practices and practical approaches to advising for schools where resources are constrained. With the principle of fostering human connections at the forefront, four guiding principles emerged as ways to enhance equitable access to high quality advising.


  1. Advisers need support to be successful. 
  2. Advising isn’t just for counselors or advisers. 
  3. Technology complements human connection. 
  4. Quality advising at scale requires cross-sector collaboration.

The brief includes links to 11 examples and resources for enhancing the work of college and career advising staff and fostering student success. 

Read the Full Brief 

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