Greater Texas Foundation


Board of Directors



Although we paused for substantial reflection in 2019, over the next five years we intend to continue learning as we go.

To that end, we developed a new system for gathering and analyzing data on the impact of our work in collaboration with our partners. We’re also building a research agenda to advance knowledge in the field of postsecondary student success. Beyond those efforts, we remain committed to gathering information wherever we can find it: from conversations with applicants and grantees, from the work of our fellow partners, and from researchers and journalists across Texas and beyond. The flexible structure underlying our strategy and our ongoing commitment to learning are already serving us well as we strive to adapt to our ever-changing conditions.

We greatly value these opportunities to learn and reflect, but what we’re most excited about is acting on what we’ve learned. Across the state, thousands of students with immense potential are seeking to further their education. We are ready to support them. It’s time to continue our journey down the road, because the destination—more Texans with credentials leading to rich opportunities—is one we don’t want to miss.